

Pecan nuts are often considered to be an improved walnut substitute that gives you quick energy. These Pecan nuts can be used in baking cakes, as waffle or pancake toppings making pies, as well as a healthy snack.

Pick up some Pecan nuts for delicious, ready-to-eat snacking. Buy online Pecan nuts today!

SKU: 01-3-7 Category:


Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja, Healing Touch Hospital, says “Adequate intake of manganese is vital for nerve conduction and brain function, and pecans are a rich source of manganese which is a powerful antioxidant. This trace mineral protects your nerve cells from free-radical damage, thus boosting immunity and protecting the body from diseases, infections, etc.”

The fruit of the pecan tree is the pecan nut or pecan. Hickory trees of the pecan species are indigenous to the southern United States and northern Mexico in the Mississippi River basin. Protein, healthy fats, and fiber in raw pecans combine to make a powerful 1-2-3 punch that can help you feel full and content. Calcium, magnesium, and potassium can all be found in pecans in good amounts. The majority of pecans’ content is healthy monounsaturated fat. Pecan helps to control blood pressure and prevents cells from aging too quickly.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 g

100g, 250g


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